
Commands that require administrator permissions
  • automod

    Toggle automoderation in the current guild

  • experience

    Toggle XP system in the current guild

  • language <language code>

    Change the bot's language

    language - The language code to use

    Aliases: lang

  • prefix <new prefix>

    Change the bot's prefix

    prefix - The new prefix to use


Commands for entertainment purposes
  • 8ball

    Ask the magic 8-ball a question

    Aliases: ball, magic, 8b, 8

  • bam <member> [reason]

    Fake ban a member (for fun)

    member - The member to ban
    reason - The reason for the ban

  • coin

    Flip a coin

    Aliases: flip, coinflip

  • dice [max] | [min] [max]

    Roll a dice

    max - The maximum number to roll (default: 6)
    min - The minimum number to roll (default: 1)

    Aliases: cube, roll, diceroll, random


General commands that everyone can use
  • about

    Shows information about bot

    Aliases: info

  • help [command|category]

    Shows a list of categories or information about a specific command

    category - The category to show information about
    command - The command to show information about

    Aliases: h

  • invite

    Get bot's invite link

    Aliases: inv, link

  • status

    Get bot's status (uptime, memory, etc.)

    Aliases: stats, botinfo, stat, ping


Give your members XP when they send messages and rank them in a leaderboard
  • leaderboard

    Shows top of members with the most XP

    Aliases: lb, top

  • rank [member]

    Get your rank or another member's rank

    member - The member to get the rank of

    Aliases: xp, level, lvl


Commands for moderating your server
  • ban <member> [reason]

    Ban a member from the current guild

    member - The member to ban
    reason - The reason for the ban

  • clean <count>

    Clean messages in the current channel

    count - The amount of messages to clean

    Aliases: clear, purge, cls

  • kick <member> [reason]

    Kick a member from the current guild

    member - The member to kick
    reason - The reason for the kick

  • mute <member> <time> [reason]

    Mute a member from the current guild

    member - The member to mute
    time - Duration of the mute
    reason - The reason for the mute

  • slowmode <duration>

    Set the slowmode for the current channel

    duration - Seconds to set the slowmode to (0 to disable)

    Aliases: slow

  • unban <member>

    Unban a member from the current guild

    member - Member ID to unban

  • unmute <member>

    Unmute a member from the current guild

    member - The member to mute


Commands for playing music in voice channels
  • autoplay

    Toggle autoplay for the current queue

    Aliases: auto

  • filter [filter|off]

    Apply a filter to the current queue

    filter - The filter to apply (`off` to disable all filters)

    Aliases: effect, effects, fx

  • join

    Join the voice channel you are in

  • leave

    Leave the voice channel you are in

  • nowplaying

    Show the currently playing song

    Aliases: np, current, currentsong

  • pause

    Pause/resume the current song

    Aliases: resume, unpause

  • play <query|URL>

    Play music in a voice channel

    query - Query to search or URL

    Aliases: p

  • playnow <query|URL>

    Add music to the front of the queue

    query - Query to search or URL

    Aliases: pn

  • playskip <query|URL>

    Play music and skip the current song

    query - Query to search or URL

    Aliases: ps, skipplay

  • previous

    Play the previous song

    Aliases: prev, back

  • queue

    Get the current music queue

    Aliases: q, list

  • radio <station>

    Play a radio station

    station - The radio station to play

  • repeat <mode>

    Change the repeat mode

    mode - The repeat mode to use. Valid modes are: `off`, `song`, `queue`

    Aliases: r

  • seek <time>

    Seek to a specific time in the current song

    time - The time to seek to. Format: `24`, `1:30`, `1:23:45`

    Aliases: rewind

  • shuffle

    Shuffle the current queue

  • skip [count]

    Skip the current song (or multiple songs)

    count - The number of songs to skip

    Aliases: s, next, n

  • stop

    Stop the music and clear the queue

  • volume <volume>

    Change the music volume

    volume - The new volume to use

    Aliases: vol, v


Commands for the bot owner
  • reload [module]

    Hot reload bot modules

    Aliases: restart


Utility commands
  • warstats

    Get latest stats of russian losses

    Aliases: war

  • weather <city>

    Get the weather for a location

    city - The location to get the weather for